Inside TOLM

Our Vision & Team

Our Vision


Tree of Life Ministries (TOLM) is spearheading a unique and simple approach to missions that is changing the nation of Honduras and eradicating poverty one village at a time. Showing people the Life of Jesus, by FINDING THE NEED, MEETING THE NEED, CHANGING THE NATIONS. TOLM is a ministry of compassion, driven to take great risks of faith in order to see a nation transformed economically and spiritually, reaching into every arena of daily life with the love of Christ.

To offer hope, training and tools to a hurting people that live in one of the poorest nations in the Western Hemisphere, so that THEY can ‘CHANGE THEIR NATION.’

TOLM is a ministry of compassion, driven to take great risks of faith in order to see a nation transformed economically and spiritually, reaching into every arena of daily life with the love of Christ.



onduras is one of the poorest nations in the western hemisphere, so it doesn’t take much digging to find needs–needs that often demand an answer. The government has little funding for education; therefore, it is very difficult to receive an education beyond the sixth grade. If a family wants their children to have more, they are forced to pay for it themselves.


here does this leave those that barely have enough money for food and living, let alone education? Thus, it seems the nation is feeding the seemingly never ending cycle of poverty and lack of hope. There are numerous un-reached mountain villages that still do not have electricity or running water, have children without clothing or shoes, and have families without food to feed their children.


igh percentages of young marriages and teen pregnancy is the norm, and sadly this is all they seem to know. Homes are barely constructed of mud, sticks, cardboard and whatever material they can use to cover themselves. Many villages have no organized church, nor a pastor, nor a church building in which to meet, which leaves their spiritual needs unfulfilled.


Tree of Life Ministries uses every resource and strategy available in order to meet the need. This includes the cooperation of many avenues, including staff and student volunteers, short-term teams, international partnerships and project donors. Check out our outreach page to learn more about how we meet the need.


…through Improved Education

♦ We are graduating, on average, 100 students each year from our high school, Plan Escalon. These young men and women are trained to go out into the workforce of their country, taking with them the Word of God, and begin to bring the nation up to a higher level, from within.
♦  Our students have raised their vision to a standard with greater hope and purpose.
♦  Many get involved in their own communities by becoming teachers in areas that have no schools, or by holding political positions such as mayors, lawyers etc.
♦  Many of our graduates obtain good jobs and continue their education by attending universities.
♦ Many have even returned to Escalon after graduating, to become part of the staff and to give back into the system that changed the destiny of their lives.
♦  Many have waited to get married and start their families until later in their lives.
♦ In a Nation of some 70% unemployment, over 70% of our graduates have full-time employment.

…through Improved Quality of Life

♦ Unreached villages are receiving electricity and potable water.
♦ Children are receiving improved education in high mountain villages.
♦ The “Mosquito Coast” is being reached with education and medical training that is giving the jungle region of Honduras a hope for a better future.

More importantly, many have been impacted with the miraculous, life-altering, power of God and are passing on the “living gospel” to the next generation.

Meet Our Pastors

Dr. Guy Henry

Missionary, Pastor, Specialist Kingdom Coach, Motivational Speaker & Teacher

Presently:VP/ CEO

Tree of Life Ministry/ Arbol de Vida – Palm Bay, FL

January 1996 to Present

As VP of TOLM it is my job to network and raise donations for out Honduras and Spanish America outreaches. Also to cast the Vision for its future direction. I also train as a Kingdom Coach those looking for find their ministry niche or to expand their Kingdom Calling

As CEO (field director) my job is to establish and strategize the vision, Identify and mentor leaders to carry out the vision of the mission. I also lead the directors of each of the 7 main departments of the mission Arbol de Vida


certification in Kingdom Life Coach / Mentor
Kingdom Builders Academy – Delray Beach, FL
March 2019 to Present
Doctorate in Biblical Theology and counseling
Word Bible College – Oceanside, CA


Author of two books (6 years)
Kingdom motivational Public Speaking (10+ years)
Social Networking (10+ years)
Mentoring (10+ years)

Long Term

To have a team that is taking the vision to all of Honduras to change the Nation for the Kingdom of God.
To train others with like vison how to use the 7 strategies the Lord has given us to Transform a Nation or community
Mentor other believers and Leaders to find their or expand their Kingdom Calling
Mentor Missionaries; I want to impart to others that have a global vision to be Kingdom Influencers the things that the Lord has taught me.

Personal history

As a child, I was I guess shy or more likely insecure so I just accepted that that is the way things were.  During this part of my childhood, I always seemed to notice the one that was set apart.  Self-marginalized if you will, and that seemed to break my heart even at that younger age.  I began to realize that this was shaping me and maybe you would say my heart for the helpless, hurting or segregated.

I started sensing the passion for a Global Mission when I took my first mission trip in 1987, and that broke my heart permanently for the marginalized.  I went to Honduras in 1996 to serve for a year, and have never left serving in the global mission field.  The Lord clearly dropped in my heart that vision was to be to “Find the Need – Meet the Need – Change the Nations. 

I received by doctorate in 2011 and during that time we have planted over 100 churches and raised up pastors and community leaders throughout Honduras.  We have developed what we call a 7-strategy system for changing a Nation in which we will available soon as a full online course.

My heart is help Christians of multi-generations and cultures discover that one unique thing that no one else has like we have.  That unique thing is INFLUENCE!  And Influence is Leadership!  I want help you Unlock and Understand your Kingdom Calling.  I want you to live in the freedom of knowing that you are living in the niche for which only you can fill.  That unique DNA of helping others in ways that ONLY YOU can fill

I also have passion to help leaders. (Pastor’s, leadership, nonprofit, market ministry) to expand their influence by understanding the language of their desired culture. By finding their need and how to design a plan to meet that need. 

I have a passion to help people of all generations and all cultures, with the language and culture relevance to reach out to the hurting both locally and globally so that they can see the Kingdom of God in Action.

I know that it has been by God’s Grace we have been able to see thousands each year come to Christ and hundreds be released into their calling.  Certainly, it is true, When I am weak, He is strong

Green Environment
Clean Water
Monthly Experiments
Scientific Articles

Frequently Asked Questions

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Proin urna enim, semper at egestas sed, elementum in justo.

Proin urna enim, semper at egestas sed, elementum in justo. Mauris sed mauris bibendum est imperdiet porttitor tincidunt at lorem. Proin augue massa, faucibus eu volutpat quis, hendrerit sed tortor. Suspendisse vitae lectus in tellus scelerisque aliquam. Pellentesque vehicula nibh ut dolor lobortis in pellentesque nulla ornare. Nam eget enim sed diam scelerisque rutrum. Nam pharetra, dui adipiscing condimentum hendrerit, odio orci mattis nibh, at porttitor libero est in massa. Aliquam semper dolor id arcu viverra vulputate. Phasellus libero quam, viverra quis vulputate sit amet, molestie id magna. Nullam laoreet massa sit amet arcu auctor imperdiet. In porttitor quam sed quam auctor feugiat. Mauris sagittis neque vel ipsum condimentum lacinia. Pellentesque tempus, sem et fermentum scelerisque, metus libero euismod ipsum, dictum vulputate mi sem id odio.

Suspendisse aliquet malesuada convallis.

Suspendisse aliquet malesuada convallis. Proin vulputate, nunc in vestibulum ornare, purus quam ultricies magna, porttitor pretium lacus ipsum in nibh. Duis dapibus pharetra neque non commodo. Morbi id posuere nulla. Quisque fringilla quam quis lorem gravida faucibus. Nulla arcu quam, tincidunt ac luctus a, viverra sed dolor. Pellentesque et pulvinar enim. Quisque at tempor ligula. Maecenas augue ante, euismod vitae egestas sit amet, accumsan eu nulla. Nullam tempor lectus a ligula lobortis pretium. Donec ut purus sed tortor malesuada venenatis eget eget lorem.

Morbi interdum posuere ligula ut tristique.

Morbi interdum posuere ligula ut tristique. Nunc consequat convallis blandit. Praesent auctor, justo at molestie auctor, velit nisl pretium turpis, in luctus turpis quam quis nisl. Morbi sit amet convallis tortor. Sed a enim justo. Proin tortor justo, auctor viverra tristique sed, convallis ac nunc. Duis pellentesque, arcu vitae adipiscing hendrerit, dolor nunc viverra justo, vitae facilisis augue justo a ligula. Donec tempus pulvinar tortor adipiscing elementum. Quisque commodo augue a arcu volutpat eu ullamcorper nisl mollis. Ut venenatis leo in odio tristique mollis.

Praesent semper, quam at gravida imperdiet.

Praesent semper, quam at gravida imperdiet, metus ipsum luctus nunc, vitae faucibus sapien sapien vitae neque. Sed sit amet lacus ipsum, et venenatis purus. Praesent neque lorem, tincidunt vel placerat feugiat, rutrum ac erat. Sed nisl erat, iaculis ac tincidunt sed, dictum nec ipsum. Nulla semper vehicula tortor non ultricies. Donec ac quam ante, in feugiat sapien. Etiam massa turpis, laoreet et auctor sed, dictum sed urna. Fusce lorem ipsum, semper sit amet laoreet ac, aliquam at purus. Nunc scelerisque laoreet metus vel faucibus. Curabitur ac neque at arcu consectetur auctor eget id elit.

Proin malesuada lacus eget arcu dignissim interdum.

Ut elementum adipiscing elit quis viverra. Quisque eu ipsum in justo consectetur consequat. Proin malesuada lacus eget arcu dignissim interdum. Quisque est quam, vulputate ac porta eu, imperdiet non nisl. Praesent sapien tortor, blandit sed tempor ut, cursus eleifend nunc. Proin dictum hendrerit mi, vitae tempor tortor dapibus non. Morbi quam mauris, aliquam a lobortis id, elementum vitae quam. Suspendisse egestas luctus urna, vitae dapibus turpis ultrices in. In libero odio, sagittis id vulputate sed, lacinia id mi. Aenean congue, ipsum vitae sagittis placerat, enim lectus tempor diam, id semper leo erat eu massa. Quisque pellentesque vehicula adipiscing.

Our Great Team

Our team is made up of :


…a National staff that have dedicated their lives to be part of changing their nation. Nearly all of which have graduated from our Plan Escalon Program.


…a Missionary staff that have made great sacrifice to leave their nation, families and friends to be part of this team determined to meet the needs and change a nation.


…a team of donors and givers like yourself that believe in the vision, and have made all of this possible.


Being Jesus to a Nation

We need your partnership

Will you help make the difference in changing one life? Sponsor an Escalonero (a Plan Escalon student)!

Quieres ayudar y hacer la diferncia cambiando una vida? Patrocina un escalonero(un alumno de Plan Escalon)!

Contact Us

We're not around right now. But you can send us an email and we'll get back to you, asap.